Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why libraries still matter Critics say they're obsolete, but New York's main branch is a reminder of what the Internet can never do By Laura Miller

1 comment:

  1. Librarians are Luddites

    No, libraries don't matter, and if they do it's only because of Luddite librarians who resist the digitization of remaining materials. Just as with schoolteachers, the librarians are a parasitic self-perpetuating bureaucracy that we don't need anymore. If it's about giving homeless people a place to stay during the day, address that issue on its own terms. I'm sure if they had a vote they wouldn't want to stay in libraries.

    We need a new JFK who launches a 10-year Apollo Program to finish the digitization of libraries and education and get every person in America a free low-cost Internet terminal that can access all of human knowledge free. We have bits and pieces in place now, it only requires a national program to finish with a flourish.

    Find out about my Historyscoping Revolution. Click the link.

